Top 9 Tips To Prevent Acne

Do you feel you’ve tried just about everything to clear your acne but still see blemishes? Don’t despair. To see clearer skin, you just need to make some lifestyle changes.
Wash your face
Washing your face properly and consistently can clear up troubled skin. Pores become clogged due to buildup of sebum, dirt, and sweat. Wash your face twice a day with luke warm water and a mild cleanser that suits your skin type. Make sure to wash your face after a workout or when you have been sweating a lot.
Avoid touching the affected areas with dirty hands after your face is clean. You can apply an oil-free moisturizer after washing to prevent the skin from becoming too dry. Don’t overdo – washing the face excessively causes sebaceous glands to produce more oil, which can lead to more acne.
Exfoliate regularly
Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells, oil, and other buildup. Dead skin cells get swept up with the skin’s natural oils – this mixture seeps into the pores and congests them. While exfoliating doesn’t cure breakouts, it can certainly prevent them by getting rid of that buildup and encouraging pores to become unclogged. Moreover, it is highly satisfying to feel how soft and your smooth your skin is after a good scrub. Exfoliate about 3 times a week but don’t scrub harshly – the motions should be gentle.
An over-the-counter product works too
Over-the-counter creams and lotions have ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid, which curb bacteria and dry your skin. Talk to a dermatologist to know more about the type of product suitable for your skin and how and when they should be applied, before you buy any.
Use makeup with caution
Even if you use branded makeup, it is best to avoid wearing foundation, powder, or blush during breakouts, or the problem could worsen. If you need to put on makeup, always opt for oil-free cosmetics that don’t contain toxic dyes and chemicals, as they can clog pores. Please bear in mind that using dirty fingers, brushes, or sponges to apply makeup can spread acne-causing bacteria.
Wear sunscreen when you step outside
Over exposure to sunlight has damaging effects on the skin. Moreover, sunburn leads to an overproduction of oils, so you need to apply an oil-free sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15 may help to prevent sunburns and exacerbated acne.
No popping or picking at pimples
If you notice an ugly pimple right before a party, it might be tempting to squeeze it, but this usually results in inflammation and scarring. Picking at pimples is a strict no-no, as it can worsen the situation. To reduce the appearance of blemishes, use a topical treatment instead. They may take some time to work, but they can also prevent new pimples from forming.
Steer clear from acne-causing foods
One place where many people forget to look when determining the root of their acne is their diet. Processed foods, oily fast food, and “junk” food can aggravate acne big time. Saturated fat, sugar, and simple carbs like bread, pasta, and pastries also cause quite a bit of harm.
Stay hydrated
You have heard it plenty of times – drink sufficient water. It not only flushes out toxins from your system, but benefits skin cells too. Water isn’t a magic ingredient that makes pimples go away ovenight, but staying hydrated does clear up skin.
Keep hair clean
You might think that keeping hair clean doesn’t have any link with acne, but it is a common misconception. If excess oil in the hair travels to the skin, it can worsen an acne outbreak. You must regularly wash hair to stop acne from developing, especially close to the hairline. Refrain from getting products such as hair gel or spray on the face – even a tiny amount can block pores and cause breakouts.
Remember that preventing acne is a combination of using the right products and maintaining a healthy skincare regiment at the same time.